Sunday, June 22, 2008


A fact in life is that people come and go. At my office, people come and go at a higher rate than what the saying intends.

One of my collegues recently said goodbye -rather, see you soon!- to the team. We have had several despedidas as a tribute to him for his contributions in enriching work and our lives, touching it in more ways than one. Pao, you deserve more than those despedidas! Take care of Ron although I am sure you will do! Stay kalog!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Stuck in Time

The past few weeks came in blur...I HAVE BEEN STUCK IN TIME.

My blog is outdated and pictures have not been uploaded and downloaded. I was so busy with my real life that I forgot I have a second life here on the internet...

IT IS ABOUT TIME. I have to make a comeback...Please wait for my next and everywhere else...:)