Monday, May 5, 2008

GoodAh! Open 25 Hours

What if we had 25 hours in a day instead of 24? Would it make any difference?

The cliches TIME FLIES and LIFE IS SHORT would support this dreamy thought of mine. In the series Heroes, Hiro Nakamura has the strongest power, that of stopping and controlling time and space. I wish I had that too. I will make happy times longer and sad times shorter.

However I concentrate on stopping time though, this is realistically impossible. And even if we had more time in our hands, I do believe we would take that for granted like we do the 24 hours we have.

Thus, we would have to stick to tried-and-tested ideas like time management and prioritizing. It is hard to be young now. With so much to do and so little time, you have to be a SuperWoman to juggle family, friends, and work and at the same time have FUN. It may be overwhelming at times (and I do feel overwhelmed) but at the end of the day, when it is time to rest your weary head, and if you tried your best to do things you have to, it so nice to sleep feeling accomplished and fulfilled. And thinking that the next day, there are another 24 hours to try to be a Super Human.