Saturday, October 13, 2007

Choosing a Book, Angels and Demons-the Movie

I am brand conscious especially when it comes to books. I read only those written by well-known authors or authors whose books I have read and liked. When I was a kid, I bought a book based on its summary at the back cover and did not finish the book after reading only a few pages. And even those books claiming they are international bestsellers or are part of the local bookstore's bestseller lists are not at all good reads. So I stick to reading the works of some of the well-known authors like Judith Mcnaught, Sophie Kinsella, and Dan Brown. I do not like David Sedaris and Paulo Coelho (save for The Alchemist).
In Dan Brown's case, I have read all of his books except for the Digital Fortress which I am planning to read sometime soon. I am excited to learn the he is writing another book The Solomon Key out in 2008 . The same year the movie based on (and entitled) Angels and Demons is set for release with Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon again (whoa! the hairstyle!).

Image from

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